November 14, 2017 1:50 pm
Published by Blogger
Xen userland consists of a toolstack that allows users to create, destroy, configure, and manage other aspects of a guest lifecycle. There are some obsolete/deprecated tool stacks such as xend and xm while currently xl is the default toolstack and shipped with xen. Linux distro-users can install xl toolstack by... View Article
October 30, 2017 12:12 pm
Published by Blogger
In our previous blog post, we discussed how to build and execute xen hypervisor on Orange Pi PC 2. We used a pre-built stock Linux image as dom0 kernel. In this post, we shall demonstrate how to properly configure dom0 kernel for xen. Console Output If you remember from our... View Article
September 30, 2017 10:35 am
Published by vadion
Xen is one of the most actively developed and deployed open-source hypervisors. It has a significant market share in server virtualization market and actively developed for x86/amd64 platforms and sponsored by Intel. It has also found traction for ARM architecture and hardware based virtualization is well supported for both 32... View Article