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Xen Hypervisor : Setting-up Xen Userland and Running domU Guests (Part 3)

November 14, 2017 1:50 pm Published by Comments Off on Xen Hypervisor : Setting-up Xen Userland and Running domU Guests (Part 3)

Xen userland consists of a toolstack that allows users to create, destroy, configure, and manage other aspects of a guest lifecycle. There are some obsolete/deprecated tool stacks such as xend and xm while currently xl is the default toolstack and shipped with xen. Linux distro-users can install xl toolstack by... View Article

Xen Hypervisor : Setting up dom0 Linux kernel on OrangePi PC 2 (Part 2)

October 30, 2017 12:12 pm Published by Comments Off on Xen Hypervisor : Setting up dom0 Linux kernel on OrangePi PC 2 (Part 2)

In our previous blog post, we discussed how to build and execute xen hypervisor on Orange Pi PC 2. We used a pre-built stock Linux image as dom0 kernel. In this post, we shall demonstrate how to properly configure dom0 kernel for xen. Console Output If you remember from our... View Article